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Informatique 1 (INF1)

Systèmes industriels 1ère année, Haute école d’ingénierie

Dans ce cours, nous apprenons à programmer avec le langage Java, à comprendre et écrire des algorithmes, ainsi qu’à développer des interfaces graphiques. Vous trouverez un descriptif détaillé du cours ici.

Project evaluation

Dear students,

Project evaluation will be done as follows (please look at these guidelines carefully) :

  • You have to hand-in a PDF report explaining how you implemented your game, the challenges you faced during the implementation as well as screenshots of your game. As a guideline, you report should be around 10-20 pages.
  • In addition to your report, you also have to provide your source code exported directly from Eclipse using File->Export -> General -> Archive file.
  • Finally, we will also show you during the lab how to generate a runnable JAR file of your project.
  • Important : your report AS PDF, the code and runnable JAR should be uploaded as a single ZIP file with the group members (example : in the filename using this link.
  • Deadline is Friday, June 17th 2022 @ 15h00 CET. No late submissions will be allowed !

Thank you in advance and have fun !

The GDX2D graphics library

For your project, you will use a dedicated graphics library that we developed especially for you. Called GDX2D, this library has several advanced capabilities (such as GPU shaders, spritesheets, audio and controllers).

As it is often the case with real-world libraries, it is hosted with its documentation on a GitHub website. On that site, you can download the latest version, find the documention as well as several examples of its use. Here is a demo reel of the libraries capabilites:

Do not hesitate to post your comments, bug reports…

Thème de la récursion

Vous allez découvrir dans la thématique 12 qui traite de la récursivité comment des fonctions peuvent s’appeler elles-mêmes ! Dans le laboratoire vous pourrez appliquer ces mécanismes au dessin d’objets autosimilaires comme les flocons de neige ou les fougères !