Project evaluation
Dear students,
Project evaluation will be done as follows (please look at these guidelines carefully) :
- You have to hand-in a PDF report explaining how you implemented your game, the challenges you faced during the implementation as well as screenshots of your game. As a guideline, you report should be around 10-20 pages.
- In addition to your report, you also have to provide your source code exported directly from Eclipse using File->Export -> General -> Archive file.
- Finally, we will also show you during the lab how to generate a runnable JAR file of your project.
- Important : your report AS PDF, the code and runnable JAR should be uploaded as a single ZIP file with the group members (example : in the filename using this link.
- Deadline is Friday, June 17th 2022 @ 15h00 CET. No late submissions will be allowed !
Thank you in advance and have fun !